The Importance of Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the manner in which the major search engines rank web sites. When a web user types in certain key words into the search engine’s search bar, the engine produces the most relevant results. The search engines rely on algorithms in order to return the most relevant web sites. SEO is important for individuals and organizations that use web sites to distribute information or sell products and services. A higher relevance ranking means that your web site is one of the top ten search results and is more likely to experience traffic. Companies, such as SEO Services Philadelphia can help ensure that an organization is targeting the right audience and using the correct SEO strategy.

SEO drives traffic to a web site from free or organic sources. This is different from paid web advertising, such as pay per click ads, banner ads, and even targeted e-mails. Organizations and individuals do not pay the search engines to list their sites or have them show up during the search process. Some search engines do not fully disclose what the algorithm process fully entails. While search engine companies would previously rely on the meta tags within the site’s HTML coding and keywords within the site’s content, the search engine companies have recently incorporated additional factors. Many search engines use what is known as web crawlers in order to find indexed web pages and embedded links to other sites that exist on previously indexed sites.


Since many use the web and web searches to conduct preliminary research, getting a web site to show up in the first page of search results can be crucial. Even if you or your organization is somewhat familiar with the concept of SEO, it can be beneficial to seek out professional help. Check out for information on ways that consulting firms can help you achieve maximum SEO results. Professionals such as Randall Trzaska who have expertise in SEO can ensure that your organization is using the best strategy possible. SEO needs can vary according to product, need, objective and intended audience. A successful strategy goes beyond ensuring that your web site has the right keywords or search engine visibility.

Search Engine Optimization has become more critical to organizations in the digital age. As the majority of consumers conduct research online prior to making a purchase, organizational leaders want to ensure that consumers are seeing what they have to offer. Besides making the consumer aware of your company and its products, it is also important to provide the type of quality information they seek. A professional SEO firm can help develop a strategic plan to turn research into tangible sales.